Expert: Czechia should not sever ties with V4 following election in Hungary

Following Viktor Orbán’s landslide victory in the Hungarian parliamentary elections this Sunday, some politicians and experts have questioned future cooperation within the Visegrad group, comprising the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. I discussed the question with political scientist Pavlína Janebová from the Association for International Affairs.

“I think the Visegrad Four Group has been experiencing some of the most historical moments in its existence in the past weeks given the Hungarian position towards the conflict in Ukraine and the elections didn’t really change much about that.

“Russia has always been a topic that wasn’t agreed upon in the Visegrad Four. It was always very clear that the position of Poland, on the one hand, and Hungary on the other were quite different.

“Poland has always been very critical towards Russia whereas Hungary has been building relatively strong relations with Putin’s Russia, but the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has escalated this disagreement and I would say it is a critical moment in the cooperation of the V4 on the highest political level.”

See the rest here.

Author: Ruth Fraňková