
2020 Slovenia: Slovenian Foreign Policy –...

Summary: The political balance within the EU at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic has clearly indicated a direction of significant changes. Initially it seemed that solidarity of some seemingly very friendly countries is simply not to be...

5 Signs You Should Take More Care of Your Car

Owning a car is one of the best and most liberating feelings in the world, but it’s also a huge responsibility. Owning and maintaining a car has to be done regularly to prevent dangerous situations and potential breakdowns when you’re on the...

Unemployment in Czech Republic rises to 2.8%

The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic has increased by 0.7% since the beginning of this year, which puts it at the overall 2.8%. These statistics were presented by The Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) and showcase August figures for...

2020 Azerbaijan –Armenia conflict:...

The strong conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the autonomous Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh, which is under the control of Armenia, was renewed recently. The latest conflict between the two countries has escalated and...

How to Spend it: An Austro-Franco-German...

The conference named “75 years of Europe’s Collective Security and Human Rights System”, which took place on the 1st of July at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, brought together experts related to the reality of the Old Continent and its Union...

How Scientists Might Tame Cancer in the...

Medicine and technology have united on numerous fronts, but uniquely so in the battle against cancer. For many patients, this is a battle against time, and the sooner we are able to deliver smarter, more personalized treatment options, the...

A few minutes with Ms. Payom Valaiphatchra...

I am often asked in interviews and by people in general how I came up with the lyrics of The Asean Way. It ́s actually quite challenging to find a way to unite 10 different nations of very diverse characteristics and qualities with one song. It...

Triangularity of Nuclear Arms Control

Possible Implications of China’s Involvement in Nuclear Arms Talks Alexander G. Savelyev In December 2019, the United States officially invited China to enter into a strategic security dialogue. The White House said it hoped Beijing’s consent...

Prague’s Invalidovna set for major...

One of Prague’s largest Baroque monuments, the Invalidovna in the city’s district of Karlín, is set to undergo major renovations. The Czech National Heritage Institute, which administers the building, has just unveiled plans that include...

How to Expand Your Brand Presence and Reach...

Every business’s goal is to reach more customers and grow. Making people know who you are and what you offer is one of the most important steps of growing a business and generating more profit. Investing in expanding your brand presence...

Czech Progressive Jewish Community Has a New...

The year 2020 was a difficult one for our global society.  However, the Jewish Year 5780 was very significant and fulfilling for both the Czech Progressive Jews and supporters of progressive Judaism in the Czech lands and Europe.

Europe and the world at 75: An occasion for...

Vice-President of the EU Commission Margaritis Shinas was a keynote speaker at this summer’s Diplomatic Conference in Vienna organised by the International Institute IFIMES, Media Platform Modern Diplomacy and their partners. High dignitary of...

Foreign drivers should be more cautious on...

In several days, the Czech police will start distributing flyers to foreign drivers. According to the statistics, last year they caused 7689 accidents on roads with 48 lethal outcomes. It accounts for nine percent of all victims of the road...

2020 Eastern Mediterranean: New episode of...

The Eastern Mediterranean region is currently experiencing a new cycle of tensions between Turkey and Greece, which belong to the same system and are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO. While the dispute revolves around...

Living the AMERICAN DREAM in the Czech...

Kraig’s family has a long history of barbering beginning with his grandfather back in 1914. He grew up around his grandfather’s and father’s barbershops in Kentucky training with them from an early age, then completing his training at some of...

Czechia becoming target of illegal waste...

The Czech Republic is increasingly becoming a target for illegal dumping of waste from across the border, the website reported on Wednesday. Czechs have been dealing with illegal waste imports for many years now, but recently the...

2020 Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro:...

Parliamentary elections in Montenegro are scheduled to take place on 30 August 2020. The electoral roll contains the names of 541,232 eligible voters. The ballots include 12 election lists (six coalitions and six parties). Montenegro has a...

Of Privacy, EU and of Human Rights – 75...

By Nora Wolf Early summer days of 2020 in Vienna sow marking the anniversary of Nuremberg Trials with the conference “From the Victory Day to Corona Disarray: 75 years of Europe’s Collective Security and Human Rights System – Legacy of...

9 out of 10 foreign students recommend...

The Czech National Agency for International Education (DZS) released results of a research conducted among foreign university students in the Czech Republic. It was focused on evaluation of life and study quality in the Czech Republic. A...

Czech Republic strengthens anti-money...

In a follow up report on the Czech Republic, the Council of Europe’s anti-money laundering body MONEYVAL concludes that the country has improved measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, but still needs to make progress in...

2020 Belarus: Belarus between EU imperialism...

In the Republic of Belarus, presidential elections were held on 9 August 2020. The current President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is the winner of the presidential elections at which he won 80.23% of the votes. The turnout at the elections...

The future of Europe depends on its...

International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)[1] from Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses developments in the Middle East, Balkans and also around the world. Guido Lanfranchi isan international affairs specialist based...

Build your effective team

Do you try to build a work team in your company? To have your own team is one thing but build a successful and effective team is another one. It is a sensitive matter and while doing so you must take into consideration many aspects. Read the...

2020 Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro...

International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)[1] from Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses developments in the Middle East and the Balkans. IFIMES has analyzed the current developments in Montenegro with respect to the...

Throwback to a powerful and timely HR...

We are on the 1st of July 2020; post-first wave of coronavirus across the globe, and already Vienna is holding a 3-panelled diplomatic forum with over 20 guest speakers. In fact, neither reflections on human rights enhancement, nor those on the...


“Pack your face masks, keep proper distance and discover the New Normal” The motto of Summer 2020 could be “Tell me how to wear my face mask and I will tell you who you are” which seems to be the newly adapted intercultural golden rule: “When...

The 10 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When...

Sam Shank, cofounder and CEO of top-rated booking app HotelTonight, is here to help make sure you never make these common mistakes upon hotel check-in or checkout. Editor’s Note: Travel might be complicated right now, but use our inspirational...

What will the future look like?

International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES[1]) from Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses developments in the Middle East and the Balkans. General (Rtd) Corneliu Pivariu is a member of IFIMES Advisory Board and founder...

The future of Europe depends on its...

On July 1st, 2020, the Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Dr. Nasser Kamel, participated in an international conference discussing the future of Europe. The event under the name FROM VICTORY DAY TO CORONA DISARRAY: 75...

The 10 Oldest Restaurants in the World Are...

The oldest restaurant in the world has served both Mozart and Clint Eastwood. Every year there’s some new food trend that seems to sweep the internet. Remember when cupcakes were all the rage? Rainbow grilled cheeses? How about the cronut? But...

12 Best Islands for Retirement

When defining anything as “the best,” retirement destinations included, it’s necessary to understand the criteria along with considerations of personal needs and tastes. To some, the best is the most luxurious and indulgent regardless of price...

Humanitas Afrika 20th Anniversary Message

We are pleased to share with you this special message for the 20th Anniversary of Humanitas Afrika and coronavirus pandemic fundraising campaign video.This is the first time we are coming out openly and officially to ask for your kind voluntary...

Increasing number of Czechs face financial...

As the government’s temporary measures adopted to limit the negative impacts of the coronavirus crisis draw to a close, an increasing number of Czechs are starting to face serious financial difficulties. Indeed, debt advisory centres around the...


I have lived in Prague for 26 years and since my first visit, I have been photographing life in the city. The Lockdown period was a unique opportunity to walk and photograph the city as it really is. For the first time it was possible to...

Daniel Meron: Global food security in the...

Dear Mr. Ambassador, before we start discussing the issue of food security, let me ask you about the latest pandemic situation in Israel. Unfortunately, Israel is suffering today from a second wave of coronavirus. Intensive efforts are underway...

These are the 10 most visited castles this...

Czech castles and chateaux saw the best July attendance in years, despite few foreign tourists Domestic tourism of Czech historical landmarks is up due to the coronavirus, but the increase won’t be enough to cover the losses caused by the...

Czech retail sales weaker but unemployment...

June retail sales slightly disappointing Czech retail sales, excluding cars in June surprised on the downside after more encouraging May figures (these were also revised downwards from -0.7% to -1.9 year-on-year). As such, June retail sales...

How to Prepare for Summer Camping in the...

Even though the Czech Republic probably isn’t the first destination that comes to your mind when talking about summer camping, you’d be surprised to learn how many campers actually go there every single year. Camping enthusiasts from around the...

Don’t avoid what is easy – diplomacy meets...

Individuals should and need to feel like they have the right to want. That is the message that artist Anastasia Lemberg-Lvova is continuously expressing through her artwork. Exemplifying socially-engaged art, Lemberg-Lvova aims to be a part of...

Let’s talk about waste as resource...

Today’s guest is Cyril Klepek, an innovative economist who’s helping many companies transition into the circular economy. He’s also interested in waste management and is the founder of the secondary resource platform Cyrkl. Many believe that...

Where do we go from here? – revisiting words...

On 1 July 2020, the first real-time conference in Europe past the early-spring lockdown took place at the Diplomatic Academy Vienna. This highly anticipated event, entitled From the Victory Day to Corona Disarray 75 years of Europe’s Collective...

Vienna Process: From Culture for Peace to...

A conference whose theme was “From the Victory Day to Corona Disarray: 75 years of Europe’s Collective Security and Human Rights System (Legacy of antifascism for the common pan-European future)” was held on July 1 at the Diplomatic Academy in...

See the World’s Most Famous Landmarks From...

Imagine waking up, opening your curtains, and looking out at the Eiffel Tower. What about the gleaming white tiles of the Sydney Opera House or the sun-drenched Giza Pyramids? For many, visiting the world’s most iconic landmarks is a catalyst...

Czech mortgages are twice as expensive as in...

Interest rates and mortgages have dropped, but still outpace Germany, Austria, and Slovakia While mortgage interest rates have been dropping in the Czech Republic, they are still almost twice as high as in neighboring countries. Record real...

One in Five Czechs Cannot Afford a One-Week...

In 2019, a record number of Czechs, over 80%, could afford to go on vacation for a week, compared to a European average of just 70%. Though this continues an upward trend in the Czech Republic, the figure is likely to drop in 2020. Fewer than...

Coaching in the Leadership

Small Intro to the big Challenge We live in rapidly changing times, especially for businesses. In a single generation, businesses have had to adapt to entirely new marketing channels (web and social). It is needed to be predictable, good at...

Brazil does not give up Culture and...

Paraphrasing Jorge Amado, a famous Brazilian literary writer of the twentieth century, in his popular novel ‘The country of carnival’: “… Sometimes we understand that something is missing in our lives. What is missing? We don’t know.” Today...

10 Tips for Staying Safe in a Hotel This...

Experts weigh in and share their advice for safely staying in a hotel during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we approach yet another month of the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be developing a bit of cabin fever. That coupled with businesses beginning...

Ostrava Concert Hall named one of the...

Ostrava officials hope modern architecture will put the post-industrial city on the map A planned concert hall in Ostrava has been named one of the 10 most interesting architectural projects by online magazine Architizer. The ranking is meant...

5 Summer Skincare Tips Worth Knowing

Most people in the world adore summer. It’s the time for fun, vacations, adventure and plenty of other things the warm, beautiful weather brings with it. However, it’s not all fun and games! The sun’s intense rays, warmth and humidity can cause...

Origins of Future discussed – Vienna Process...

The first July day of 2020 in Vienna sow marking the anniversary of Nuremberg Trials with the conference “From the Victory Day to Corona Disarray: 75 years of Europe’s Collective Security and Human Rights System – Legacy of Antifascism for the...

The Top 25 Islands in the World

This year’s World’s Best Awards survey closed on March 2, just before widespread stay-at-home orders were implemented as a result of COVID-19. The results reflect our readers’ experiences before the pandemic, but we hope that this year’s...

Business delegation to Taiwan with the...

The Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber cordially invites you on behalf the Senate Chancellery to participate in the business delegation to Taiwan accompanying Miloš Vystrčil, the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic...

Adam Štěch: A decade and a half hunting some...

The coffee table book Modern Architecture and Interiors by Adam Štěch is the fruit of a deeply-held passion. Over a decade and a half, Štěch – who works for such magazines as Wallpaper and Vogue – travelled the world searching out, visiting and...

A Country-by-country Guide to Europe’s...

A breakdown of every country in Europe and its plans to open. When COVID-19 spread throughout the world, its impact on Europe spanned the entire continent. While Italy was one of the first countries in Europe to become an epicenter for the...

Green tech: Czechs turning plastic waste...

The Czech start-up company Plastoil Europe has developed recycling technology that can turn most ordinary plastic waste into oil. The company’s first fully functional mobile unit – over eight years in the making – was recently unveiled and will...

European Reconstruction: A Project Born of...

International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)[1] from Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses developments in the Middle East, Balkans and also around the world. Dr. Antonia Colibasanu is Geopolitical Futures’ Chief...

Prague to commemorate the 70th anniversary...

By Raymond Johnston Milada Horáková took a stand against communism, and paid with her life after a show trial Prague is planning to mark the 70th anniversary of the execution of Milada Horáková with banners, broadcasts and an outdoor exhibition...

ASEAN, C-19 and the Vietnam’s Chairmanship

COVID-19 (C-19) event is posing serious challenges for the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2020. But Vietnam, as current ASEAN chair, is trying to make the best of the situation and demonstrate leadership. As 2020 marks a mid...

Is It Safe to Fly Right Now? Here’s...

We spoke with medical, aviation, and travel experts to answer the question of whether or not it’s safe to fly right now. The answer is complicated and comes with caveats. After months of stay-at-home orders and closed borders, cities around the...

How to Become a Better Driver

Even though most people are unaware of it, there’s a major difference between an average driver and a great one. Unfortunately, only the latter drive around our streets without causing accidents and breaking the law, which is why these people...

Czech Republic ranked 33rd in World...

The Czech Republic has for a second consecutive year ranked 33rd in Swiss research group IMD’s World Competitiveness Ranking. The country again ranked highest among the Visegrad Four countries, ahead of Poland (39th), Hungary (47th) and...

From the Victory Day to Corona Disarray

75 years of Europe’s Collective Security and Human Rights System Legacy of antifascism for the common pan-European future The 1st, one-day, conference: Diplomatic Academy Vienna,01 July 2020 10.00 – 18.30 CET   (GMT+2) Speakers: Leading...

Back to a Better Future

By Anastasiia Pachina Arts, Science … Excellence We are used to perceiving science and arts as two separate areas of our society that exist more or less independently. Science is exact. It necessitates rules and regulations, deals with laws...

The post-Corona epilogue of an overheated...

“Americans performed three very different policies on the People’s Republic: From a total negation (and the Mao-time mutual annihilation assurances), to Nixon’s sudden cohabitation. Finally, a Copernican-turn: the US spotted no real ideological...

Czech civil society fights back against fake...

Author: Filip Brokes (Prague) In the Czech Republic, the media ecosystem is plagued by disinformation. A group of PR professionals have teamed up to cut off dodgy outlets from their main, and often only, source of income — online ads. The...

ASEAN, C-19 and the Vietnam’s Chairmanship

COVID-19 (C-19) event is posing serious challenges for the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2020. But Vietnam, as current ASEAN chair, is trying to make the best of the situation and demonstrate leadership. As 2020 marks a mid...

5 Expert Tips for Wearing a Face Mask in the...

Here’s expert advice for staying cool and healthy this summer while guarding against coronavirus. In most areas of the country, summer brings hot, humid weather, which can make wearing a face mask nearly unbearable. If you’re out in...

EU matters business

Did you know that? New plan to restart European economy The European Commission unveiled its plan to restore economic growth in the EU, based on a new instrument called Next Generation EU. The budget for the newly proposed instrument should be...

Czechs Are Older, Avoid Marriage, Drink a...

Author: Charles du Parc In both 1989 and 2019 the population of the Czech Republic stood at around ten and a half million, 10,362,000 and 10,694,000 respectively. Although this only represents growth of just over 3% in 30 years, the profile of...


New Zealand has one of the world’s best records on Covid-19, with fewer than 1,300 detected cases and two dozen deaths to date. Among the Czechs currently living there is Jakub Freiwald, who visits New Zealand annually and had arrived not long...

One in Eight Museums Might Not Reopen After...

As museums around the world begin to reopen some are still figuring out their futures. One thing is for certain: Life after coronavirus will look very different. Since lockdown measures have forced many businesses, restaurants, and other public...

Airplane Cabin Designers Unveil Potential...

As coronavirus has tremendously impacted the aviation industry, it’s likely that when the pandemic subsides there will be a significant difference as to how planes ensure a new standard of safety. When it comes to a solution to being in a...

Restoring Trust in Global Governance

(The UN Security Council should urgently address Covid-19 – addendum) Further to the points of view undersigned authors expressed nearly two months ago (see: ), it is to a deep regret that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) still misses...

Czech beer production, consumption reached...

For the second year in a row, breweries in the Czech Republic have produced a record amount of beer For the second year in a row, breweries in the Czech Republic have produced a record amount of beer, according to data gathered by the Czech...

EU at Crossroads

„The European Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the...

UNYP explores VR opportunities in education

Over the last few months, the University of New York in Prague has made great efforts in managing the transition from campus to virtual instruction. Considering the circumstances, and the serious nature of events, we did our best to help our...


Why should I go to galleries, when everything is on the Internet? Do I have to study to become an artist? And how do I recognize a work of art? These are just some of most frequent questions asked by teenagers in galleries. A new book, called...


The temporary shift to home office due to restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak has significantly reduced employees’ productivity. A study carried out by the consultancy company Moore Czech Republic suggests that employees’...

The OIC World for a Safer Planet

OIC and its Rapid Reaction Capacitation in times of new asymmetric challenges All throughout its history, our world witnessed either abrupt, radical changes or gradual shifts and adjustments of the World Oder. Such recalibrations usually...

Learning in light of crisis

Rattana Lao Bangkok – The global pandamic of COVID 19 has hit the world in a way nobody has foreseen, let alone prepared to respond. It shakes the core of humanity – no matter how far we have progressed scientifically, we are a speck of dust in...

5 Ways Luxury Travel Will Change After the...

Merely months ago, the notion of luxury travel encompassed all the standard prerequisites: exclusivity, limited access to the few, remoteness, opulence, pristine nature, and of course, top-notch luxe experiences. Now that we’re well into this...

Millennials – a generation that needs to be...

Financial advisors have to take into account that their role needs to be sustainable in the long term. A great role in this process is played by the ability to listen and study the habits and needs of new generations. A focus on the younger...

Spot Dolphins in the Ocean With These...

There are few things more soothing than sitting on the beach, right on the ocean’s edge and watching the waves crash over and over again. The only thing sweeter is spotting a pod of dolphins, a whale, seal, or even a friendly otter swim by...

Leadership for Thought: Non-Permanent...

Building up on the recent analysis of the IFIMES (International Institute of the Special Consultative status with the UN Eco-Soc) and its call for a formidable multilateral action; “The International Security Dimension of Covid-19 and the...

How Prague’s small businesses have dealt...

We spoke with some of our friends and partners to find out how they’ve been personally affected by the coronavirus pandemic For the past six weeks, many businesses in Prague and the Czech Republic have been shut down as efforts to reduce...

The post-Corona epilogue of an overheated...

Americans performed three very different policies on the People’s Republic: From a total negation (and the Mao-time mutual annihilation assurances), to Nixon’s sudden cohabitation. Finally, a Copernican-turn: the US spotted no real ideological...

Good prospects for the real estate market in...

The Czech real estate market – in certain segments – can provide good returns for investors, says UBS Global Wealth Management in its latest analysis. Despite current turbulence, the real estate market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)...

Pixar’s New Cooking Videos Show You How to...

Need new recipes for quarantine? As Pixar taught us, anyone can cook… and now the animation studio is giving you something to cook. The Pixar YouTube channel features a series called “Cooking With Pixar,” a collection of recipes...

5 Reasons Why Czech Tourists Love Croatia

Everyone’s summer plans have come to a sudden, grinding halt as the entire world is now going through a health crisis due to the pandemic. That, however, is no reason to completely forego your future plans and to discover the finest spots to...


Traffic at Prague airport has been steadily declining since a state of emergency was introduced on March 12 and since the Czech Republic’s borders were closed, Czech Radio reported this week. During the last week of March alone, traffic fell by...

Art during the time of coronavirus

As we collectively face the uncertainty ahead due to COVID-19, it is clear to me that art plays such an important role in our lives. The recent events have forced us to spend more time in our homes, apartments and studios, wondering in many...

IN MY PANTRY … what to cook during a time of...

If I see another Banana Bread recipe or The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie ever… I will delete my Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp accounts. During this time at home, people have rediscovered their pantry and noticed how much they have piled up...

See the Most Colorful Tulip Fields in the...

You can’t smell them, but you can certainly see this colorful spectacle at home. If you can’t go see the spring flowers, the spring flowers can now come to you — virtually. Coronavirus has affected millions (if not billions) around the...


Restaurants in the Czech Republic – which have been shut for a month – will be allowed to reopen in June. However, many are already struggling and in recent days one well-known Prague eatery said it had closed for good. How the city’s dining...

The International Security Dimension of...

The COVID-19 situation is very worrying, indeed, alarming matter, not just as a global health and biosafety issue, but potentially as a global security challenge, too. While the pandemic is being dealt with by the World Health Organisation...