Legislators from more than 40 countries are heading to Prague to discuss the fate of Crimea

The parliamentary summit of the Crimean Platform will take place in Prague from October 23 to 24. It aims to raise awareness of the illegal Russian occupation of Crimea and its wider consequences. Over 40 representatives of legislative bodies from all over the world have confirmed their participation in the Prague summit. Through a live video call, the founder of the platform, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, will also speak at the beginning of the summit.

The second parliamentary summit of the Crimean Platform will take place from October 23 to 24 in Prague. The goal of the summit is to raise awareness among world leaders and the general public about the illegal Russian occupation of Crimea, its impact on the state of basic human rights of the people there, on global food security, as well as on the rules-based world order.

“The holding of the parliamentary summit of the Crimean Platform in Prague will also be a great contribution to relations with Ukraine. This is a value in itself, as Ukraine contributes significantly to the strengthening of our security through its fight against Russian aggressors. Even from a purely pragmatic point of view, this is also an investment in relations with a potentially very prosperous country, which also offers extremely interesting opportunities for Czech companies thanks to the post-war recovery,” said the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

32 chairmen and 19 vice-chairmen or other representatives of the parliamentary chambers have already confirmed their participation in the summit. In total, the personal participation of legislators from 41 countries and 5 parliamentary assemblies is expected. Most EU countries will be represented, including presidents of parliaments from France, Germany, and Spain. Presidents from other neighboring countries – Slovakia, Austria, or Poland – will also travel. From countries outside the EU, for example, Canada, the United Kingdom, Iraq, or Sierra Leone will be represented.

“Today, the Czech Republic is actively playing in the first diplomatic league. Holding an international summit in Prague will bring us even greater international prestige and increase our visibility on the international scene. This will significantly support the promotion of Czech interests in the future,” added the speaker of the House of Representatives, Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

The Crimean platform was created in 2021 on the initiative of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He will also address the summit participants via a live video call at the beginning of the summit.

All information about the Crimean Platform, including the complete program of the upcoming Prague summit, can be found at https://crimeaprague.psp.cz.