Poor bedside manner? Film focuses on future Czech doctors’ communication skills

Photo: Body–Soul–Patient/Youtube

The freshly released Czech documentary Body-Soul-Patient maps new teaching methods at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University aimed at improving medical students’ communication with patients. But are Czech doctors really lacking when it comes to bedside manner? I discussed this issue, and much more, with the film’s director, Jindrich Andrš.

How did your latest project Body-Soul-Patient come about?

“I wanted to make a film about medical students for a very long time, actually. When I went to study film 10 years ago, I already had it as one of my main topics, because I’m from a family of doctors.

“I was interested in the moment when a medical student is starting to think like a doctor, or starting to feel the weight and the responsibilities it has.

“So I wanted to capture this kind of moment. And when they told me at Charles University that they would like to make a film, I was very happy that I could start working on this topic.”

See the rest here.

Author: Ian Willoughby