On the occasion of the 72nd year of the Anniversary of the Revolution and the 102nd year of diplomatic relations between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Mostafa Afifi hosts a reception at the Embassy’s beautiful garden in Vinohrady.
Mr. Vaclav Klaus – Ex-President of the CR and, Mr. Eduard Hulicius – Deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Czech Republic were the honored guests.

H.E. Ms. SUZILAH BINTI MOHD SIDEK – Ambassador of Malaysia, H.E. Ms. Sonia Regina GUIMARAES GOMES – Ambassador of Brazil and H.E. Ms. Kenssy Dwi EKANINGSIH – Ambassador of Indonesia
Watch the video with the speech of H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Mostafa Afifi -Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt and Mr. Eduard Hulicius – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.