Tip for VE Day visit? Czechia’s Army Museum on Vítkov Hill

Located just below Prague’s Vítkov Hill, the Czech Army Museum is one of the places to check out if you are into military history, thinking of honouring Victory Day, or just generally into great exhibitions. It features more than 7,000 exhibits displayed in various fashion. The largest exhibition hall covers the period encompassing the Second World War, including the Prague Uprising.

Czech military history is divided into seven segments within the four-floor museum. These range from prehistoric times, through the Habsburg period and the world wars, all the way to the present.

I met with historian Tomáš Plesl who works in the museum specialising in the period around the time of the Prague Uprising in May 1945. The exhibits covering this specific period of the Second World War are located in the upper part of a large hall that he says was originally used to store documents.

See the rest here.

Author: Thomas McEnchroe