From left: Ing. Tomáš Spurný, From left: Miroslav Hříbal, Entrepreneur and Ing. František Novotný, President, Association APST and SDSS and Secretary of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador Economist, State O ce for Nuclear Safety, Ing. Antonín Míka, Director, Foreign Trade Company LAMMEX, and Ing.Rudolf Kočí, Entrepreneur
From left: Miroslav Hříbal, Entrepreneur and next President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Ing. Anton Gerák, CSc., Commercial Director, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador and Secretary of LCI D122 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, and Ing.František Novotný, President, Association APST and SDSS and Secretary of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador
From left: Ing.František Novotný, President, Association APST and SDSS and Secretary of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Miroslav Hříbal, Entrepreneur and next President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Ing. Rudolf Kočí, Entrepreneur, and Ing.Anton Gerák CSc, Commercial Director, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador and Secretary of LCI D122 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
Charity-social evening in Austria Palace.