Mersey is undoubtedly one of the cutest inhabitants of the Prague Zoo. It impresses visitors with its view every day at 2 p.m. during the commented feeding of the wombats in the Darwin Crater. Photo by Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo
The female common Mersey wombat in the Prague Zoo becomes independent. The first wombat born in the Czech Republic has already stopped sucking mother’s milk and has fully switched to adult food. She no longer returns to her mother Winkleigh’s bag, but she still clings to her side. This can best be seen every day at 2pm during the guided feeding of these marsupials in the Darwin Crater indoor exhibit.
“Formally, we cannot yet consider the first Czech baby wombat to have been bred. Breeding is complete when the individual is separated from the mother or when the animal reproduces on its own or goes to another zoo for this purpose. Although Mersey has already left the pouch and stopped drinking breast milk, she still seeks her mother’s presence. However, they will become independent by the end of the year,” says curator of mammals Pavel Brandl.
Mersey was probably born at the beginning of last September. As marsupials, wombats – like kangaroos or Tasmanian devils – are born in the embryonic stage and subsequent development takes place in the mother’s pouch. The breeders observed the movement of the young in the bag for the first time in November, while in February the limbs began to stick out of the bag, and in March the head. The following June, Mersey climbed out of the bag for the first time.
“Little Mersey is becoming more fearless and exploring the world around her. She has been grazing on fresh grass with her mother since July, but only last week she tasted sweet potato for the first time. It is a favorite treat of her father Cooper in particular,” says breeder David Vala. “Newly, Mersey also allows herself to be gently touched, which is important for veterinary examinations. It will come in handy when she has a baby herself one day.’

The female wombat Mersey still looks very tiny next to her mother Winkleigh. Photo by Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo
The best way to get to know the Prague wombats is the new “Meet the wombats” experience program of the Prague Zoo. With a bit of luck, its participants will even feed the friendly marsupials. You can find more information and free dates of the experience program at https://eshop.zoopraha.cz/zazitkove-programy/poznejte-se-s-vombaty.html.